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5:39 a.m. - 2004-07-17
Magic: The Gathering?
It's more like Magic: The Solitude. When I finally went back to the tournament I sat there reading JTHM. Then Nick got people together for a booster draft. I had some fun, getting beat every match. I'm so out of practice and my mind doesn't want to be as analytical as it should for this game. I want to run a roleplaying game for a group of newbies. Only way I can think to do that is to lower the age of my players, and that in itself is a complication.

I'm sick of power gamers who don't have an imagination... These players should be parked in front of a computer screen playing nothing but first person shooter games. I like a little carnage now and then, but there has to be some kind of style to it.

Time to post a poem on the other site and stop the rambling

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