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5:04 p.m. - 2007-01-20
Geisteswissenschaften in der westlichen Tradition, Teil zwei
Well, first day of class on a Saturday. I am taking Humanities in the Western Tradition part two at the Wayne Campus of The University of Akron. It covers from after the Renaissance through now.

This morning's history class (yes I have a Saturday morning class out at the Wayne Campus of Akron U) proved to be entertaining. It is part two of the history class. It covers history spanning from after the Renaissance through the modern day. Today was a meet and greet session. We had to fill out little questionaires which the teacher read aloud.

After class I struck up a newfound acquaintance of the guy who sat at my row of tables. His name is Keith. He lives up here in Akron. We might carpool every other Saturday.

I've been awake since 1245 this morning. I had attempted to take a two and a half hour nap last night. I slept through my alarm. I checked my email and time kept ticking along. I decided staying awake was my best course of action.

Ich habe Hunger. That is literally "I have hunger" in German. That is the way they proclaim to be hungry. I'm going to see if I can find a microwave to heat up my spaghetti. If not, I will have to make my 40 minute commute back to Akron in an irrational state of hungry indecisiveness. When I am in want or need of food, I become so irrational.

I really shouldn't have bought food the other night. October is low on fuel and needs air the front tire so I took Penny, the crapalier. I took a gas can with me just in case. I ran out of gas on the way home.

I got a ride to a gas station from a tow truck driver. On my walk back to the car I crossed over to the grassy median hoping someone going the other way would give me a ride. I got lucky. A couple picked me up.

They waited to make sure the car started, they followed me to the gas station to make sure I got there alright. They even gave me $4 for gas. They were much too generous to me.

Now I'm sitting here getting light headed from my new Benzin cologne.

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